The Catahoula Parish Sheriff’s Office Investigative Division is a multi-task-oriented unit of highly trained and experienced criminal investigators. The Division is led by Eldred “Bubba” Roy Chief of Detectives.
The Catahoula Parish Sheriff’s Office Investigative Division is tasked primarily with the investigation of Felony offenses such as Burglaries, Violent Offenses, Sexual Assaults, offenses against children, as well as investigations that require specialized training.
In most cases, a citizen files an initial complaint with the Patrol Division. After the initial investigation has been completed by the Patrol Division, the case is referred to the Investigative Division, where it is then assigned to a detective for continued investigation and/or follow-up.
Within the Investigative Division, deputies receive specialized training in an effort to provide complete and fair investigations into serious offenses. It is the goal of the Investigative Division to conduct investigations that strive for excellence and professionalism; and to provide compassion and understanding while diligently working for the citizens in their time of need.
The Investigative Division oftentimes works in cooperation with other agencies, both within the parish and outside the parish, in efforts to solve crimes. Many times, offenders who are committing offenses within Catahoula Parish are also committing other crimes in neighboring jurisdictions.
Catahoula Parish Sheriff’s Office Investigators also take pride in a strong working relationship with the Seventh Judicial District Attorney’s Office. Investigators go to great lengths to provide complete and thorough investigations to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution, and to assist the District Attorney’s Office until all aspects of the investigation have been resolved.